2020 Photo Contest
In the March newsletter we promised you a Photography Contest. With the current COVID-19 situation, the finial details have not been totally worked out. While at this point we have not finalized the judging panel or determined exactly what the awards will be we are going forward with accepting entries. Originally we were going to have two sections; Daffodil and Hosta each with four categories. In light of “social distancing” and our increased isolation from group activities, we have added a third section. Section 3: Something That Makes You Smile. It will have only one section and will not be judged . This is an “anything goes” section, but the only thing we ask is no jokes, cartoons or videos be submitted. All other submission rules apply. In light of the present situation we are looking at the entire contest as a way to keep in touch with our club members and have some fun in the process. Looking forward to all your entries. If you have any questions or comments send them to DHSWP2020Photos@comcast.net
Stay healthyStay safeJim Kalka